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Beginner’s Guide To CPA Affiliate Marketing


Beginner’s Guide To CPA Affiliate Marketing
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Beginner’s Guide To CPA Affiliate Marketing

Vantage Updated Updated Fri, 30 September 2022 08:13
Beginner’s Guide To CPA Affiliate Marketing

There are a multitude of ways to monetise your digital presence beyond creating content, providing services and selling products. Cost-per-action (CPA) affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online by taking advantage of your digital presence and your digital marketing skills. In addition, it is also an effective way to help generate leads and drive traffic to a business’ website. 

In this article, we will cover what CPA marketing is, the different types of CPA affiliate marketing, the pros and cons of CPA compared to other forms of affiliate marketing, and provide a quick guide to help you get started. 

What is CPA Marketing?  

Cost per action marketing is a type of pay-for-performance marketing method (also broadly known as affiliate marketing). It is used by all sectors of businesses to scale their marketing dollars to reach a wider audience effectively [1].  

Cost-per-action refers to the fee a company will pay for an advertisement that results in an action, like signing up for a newsletter or downloading an eBook.  

Unlike other marketing models such as CPM (Cost Per Impression) or CPC (Cost Per Click), CPA marketing only requires payment for actual results, not just exposure, clicks or sales generated. This makes CPA marketing a cost-efficient and effective way for businesses to reach new customers and drive conversions.

In CPA marketing, businesses partner with affiliates who promote their products and services to a targeted audience. The affiliates are then compensated based on the actions taken by the customers they refer to the business. This is how the CPA marketing model works. 

Learn more about CPA marketing with our complete guide here

What is CPA Affiliate Marketing 

In a CPA affiliate marketing arrangement, there are at least three partners: the merchants, the affiliate marketers, and the consumers. Sometimes, a CPA arrangement will also include one additional party: the CPA affiliate network.  

Affiliate marketers play a crucial role as they are responsible for promoting the company’s products or services to their audiences or consumers. 

They earn a commission for every successful conversion they generate, and they are incentivised to drive traffic to the merchants’ website and get as many conversions as possible. 

The affiliate marketers can promote the merchant’s offerings through various digital marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, banner ads, and display advertising. 

CPA affiliate marketing — how does it work? 

In CPA affiliate marketing, you can become an affiliate marketer by signing up for a company’s affiliate program. This process can take place through an invitation, or by applying to the affiliate program directly.  

Once you join, you will be given a unique trackable code, which is usually in the form of a custom URL, also known as an affiliate link, that you can use to promote a specific product or service. 

When a consumer clicks on your affiliate link and takes a specific action, such as signing up for a free trial, making a purchase, or registering for an event, the affiliate network will record the action, and the merchant will pay you the agreed-upon commission. With Vantage, every affiliate will have their personalised ID and their unique tracking. This allows them to easily track their clickthrough and conversions. 

Some company affiliate programs also assign dedicated affiliate managers to help their affiliates with their CPA affiliate marketing journey. 

What is a CPA Offer? 

A CPA offer refers to a specific proposition presented by a business or advertiser to CPA affiliate marketers.  

This proposition will detail the action they want potential customers to take, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or downloading an app. When a customer, directed by the affiliate’s link, completes this action, the affiliate earns a commission. Such offers can vary, ranging from lead generation and sales transactions to app installs or free trial sign-ups. 

Three Categories of CPA Affiliate Marketing 

Pay per Sale  

Pay per sale is a payment model for online ads, where you are paid a percentage of the product’s sale price, but only when a customer’s ultimate purchase of an item can be traced back to your custom tracking code.  

Pay per Action  

Cost per action is another payment model, where you are paid a commission when a customer takes a specific action, and only when this action falls within the defined actions specified in the affiliate contract.  

All actions covered by the model are directly related to some type of conversion, ranging from a newsletter sign-up to a link click or sale, and determined by the advertiser.  

Recurring Payments  

Recurring payments is a model where you are not only paid a commission when the desired action was taken by a customer, but you are also further compensated each time that customer makes a repeat purchase [2].  

Pros and Cons: CPA vs Other Forms of Affiliate Marketing 


  • Depending on the defined outcome under the Affiliate Agreement, you can earn a commission without generating sales, as long as the desired outcome has taken place (such as account sign-ups).  
  • A large number of industry and market segments offer CPA programs, and you have a good chance of finding one that works for you.  
  • No upfront investment is required. You earn commission due to your digital presence and influence.  


  • When companies engage in advertising that results in a particular fee for each advertisement clicked, this is called cost per click (or CPC) advertising. The threshold for payment is considerably lower than CPA advertising.  
  • It’s a competitive arena, so you have to be creative to make good money.  
  • As a beginner, it is difficult to get accepted into top CPA networks [3].  

Quick Start Guide on CPA Affiliate Marketing 

To make the most of your CPA marketing campaign, find an affiliate manager with whom you have a good relationship. Also, choosing the right offer and CPA network are key to achieving high returns.  

Relationship First: Providing Values 

Relationship-building comes in two folds: you should build solid relationships with both your audience and businesses in your niche.  

One good way to get access to the best CPA marketing opportunities is to build strong relationships with the businesses in your niche and be sure that you are in a position to bring value to their programs. When they know and trust you, they’ll be more likely to give you access to exclusive offers and deals.  

Providing Values to Audience and Having Traffic Strategies 

It is not enough to have a digital presence by delivering excellent content and bringing value to your audience, you should also actively design strategies to grow traffic to your sites. The most common methods include SEO, email marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) ads, native ads, Google ads and social media.   

Research for Opportunities 

The best CPA opportunities isn’t necessarily the best-known ones.  

What works best for your business depends on your industry, market segment, the most likely geographical location of your target audience, and your preference for the payout structure.  

Another important thing to look for is a solid list of offers from a range of reputable publishers in the verticals you’d like to target.  

Ready to find the best CPA affiliate program? Don’t miss our comprehensive guide here on the six top ways to find the best CPA affiliate programs and discover the strategies to find them. 

CPA Marketing Tips 

affiliate marketing cpa

One of the most important tips for successful CPA marketing is to focus on generating traffic to your website. The more traffic your website receives, the more opportunities you have to generate leads and conversions. To generate traffic, you can use a variety of tactics, including search engine optimisation, social media marketing, and paid advertising. 

You should also focus on the quality of the traffic you generate, rather than the quantity.  

This means targeting the right audience with the right message. You can do this by identifying the demographics and interests of your target audience and creating targeted campaigns that cater to their specific needs and interests. By focusing on generating quality traffic, you can increase the likelihood of conversions and maximise your commissions earnings. 

Interested in learning more tips on CPA Marketing? Check out our top tips here to help you become a better CPA marketer. 

CPA Networks For Beginners 

Why join CPA Affiliate Networks for Beginners?  

Joining CPA affiliate networks for beginners can be an excellent way to enhance your online marketing efforts.  

By becoming a part of a global CPA network, you will gain access to a wide array of CPA affiliate programs designed for beginners, along with various affiliate marketing CPA offers. This can help you to reach a larger audience and increase your earning potential. For example, you can earn affiliate dollars not just in one industry, but by marketing other products in different industries as well. 

By joining an affiliate network, you can also leverage on the resources provided, including training materials, tracking tools, and creative assets to create effective campaigns that convert. 

CPA networks, in particular, provide access to CPA offers that pay affiliates for specific actions their referrals take, such as signing up for a newsletter or making a purchase. This means that affiliates can focus on promoting the company product and services, while the network handles the tracking and payment process. 

How to Find the Best CPA Networks for Beginners to Join? 

If you’re looking to find the best CPA networks to join as a beginner, it’s important to do thorough research to find the right one for you. 

  • Finding your niche and type of offers 

First, consider the niche and the types of offers that you want to promote. Once you have a good idea of the products or services you want to promote, you can start your search for the right CPA network. 

  • Network reputation and track record 

One approach is to look at popular network CPA networks that have a strong reputation in the industry. These networks often have a larger pool of advertisers and publishers, which can provide more opportunities for you to find the right offers to promote. Oftentimes, these networks have a track record of success and have been around for several years, which is a good indication of their stability and reliability. 

  • Online reviews 

Look for reviews from other affiliates and publishers who have worked with the network in the past. Consider the network’s reputation and track record, and whether they have a good history of paying on time and providing quality support. By taking the time to do thorough research, you can find the best CPA affiliate network to join and increase your chances of success in the industry. 

Want to learn more about CPA networks and how they can help with your affiliate marketing success? Check out our guide on CPA network here and learn our tips to help you choose the right network to join to be a more successful affiliate. 

Vantage CPA Affiliate: One of the Highest Earnings In the World 

Vantage is proud to offer an industry-leading CPA Affiliate Partnership program. By participating in the program, you are collaborating with a company with global presence and a strong brand recognition, and you are able to offer your referrals solid values of having an industry-leading and regulated broker.  

The Vantage CPA Affiliate Program is designed to be one of the most competitive, flexible, and highest earning programs in the industry. By participating in the program, you are joining forces with Vantage, an award-winning multi-asset broker.  

The program provides you with a complete suite of marketing, traffic and other technical tools to better manage and track your goals.  

Vantage CPA Affiliate Program best suits those with a strong online presence, such as:  

  • Lead Generators  

  • Business and Social Media Influencers  

  • Website Owners – Finance and Trading Comparison Websites  

  • SEO Professionals  

  • Trading Educators  

Joining the Vantage CPA program is straightforward, with no signup fees. Signing up to become an Affiliate or IB is fast and efficient. We will also provide a selection of advertising material for you to present through your strong online or offline presence.  

You can find out complete information about the Vantage CPA Program here.  


  1. “What is affiliate marketing and how to get started – Fiverr”. https://www.fiverr.com/resources/guides/digital-marketing/what-is-affiliate-marketing . Accessed 30 Aug 2022
  2. “CPA Marketing: A Low-Risk, High-ROI Approach to Affiliate Marketing – Big Commerce”. https://www.bigcommerce.com/articles/ecommerce/cpa-marketing/ . Accessed 30 Aug 2022
  3. “CPA Marketing for Beginners [Ultimate 2022 Guide] – Monetize.info”. https://monetize.info/cpa-marketing-for-beginners/. Accessed 1 Sept 2022

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