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AI Copywriting Tools: A Guide to Enhancing Your Writing with Artificial Intelligence


AI Copywriting Tools: A Guide to Enhancing Your Writing with Artificial Intelligence
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AI Copywriting Tools: A Guide to Enhancing Your Writing with Artificial Intelligence

Vantage Updated Updated Tue, 8 August 2023 08:59
AI Copywriting Tools: A Guide to Enhancing Your Writing with Artificial Intelligence

In today’s digital age, where attention spans are shorter than ever, crafting captivating and persuasive copy has become a paramount challenge for businesses and marketers alike. What would be quick and punchy enough to stay in the minds of people but also conveys the message?  

A new era of innovation has dawned upon the world of copywriting, offering an unprecedented solution: Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

By harnessing the immense capabilities of AI, businesses can now unlock a wealth of tools and techniques that revolutionise how they approach copywriting.  

Before we go any further, what is copywriting? 

Copywriting is the act of writing persuasive content for the purpose of Marketing and Sales, with the goal of generating conversions and sales. Some examples of copywriting include emails, social media posts, advertisements, catalogues, articles and more. 

In this article, we delve into the ways in which AI can enhance copywriting, reimagining the art of communication in the digital landscape.  

What is AI Copywriting? 

AI copywriting is the usage of AI-powered software to automatically create written content based on a given set of information. These tools use Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to analyse data and generate text.  

Such software can produce headlines, product descriptions, social media posts, and even long-form content such as blog posts and articles.  

What are AI Copywriting Tools? 

If you have ever used ChatGPT to write an email to your boss about taking a day off or generate a quick message to get out of meeting an acquaintance, you have used an AI copywriting tool. AI copywriting tools are software applications designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of copywriters by providing them with advanced features and capabilities.  

Check out our article on the best AI writing tools here. 

Benefits of Using AI Copywriting Tools 

Embracing the potential of AI copywriting tools has become a game-changer in content creation. By harnessing the innovative capabilities of artificial intelligence, businesses and copywriters can now tap into the plethora of benefits AI copywriting tools offer.  

Here are some reasons why you should consider using AI copywriting tools.  

1. Repurpose previous content 

You wrote a great piece about the volatility of the forex market for your blog, how can you post the same content for social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter without being too text heavy?  

AI copywriting tools can help you with rewriting your content to match the styles of various platforms, making them more appealing to different audiences. 

2. Increased efficiency 

Brainstorming ideas for content may lead to dead ends sometimes. Instead of being stuck in an endless loop, AI copywriting tools can help with generating different angles on common topics, resulting in content that stands out from the rest.  

For example, instead of thinking of various versions of the same copy, you can ask ChatGPT, “Give me 5 variations of copies promoting Forex trading”. 

ai copywriting tool

3. Consistent copies 

By providing specific details or instructions, AI tools can produce copies that align with the desired style, tone, and specific requirements.  

This helps maintain brand consistency across various channels and eliminates the potential for inconsistencies. Here is an example:  

copywriting ai tool

4. Helps with SEO 

Writing good articles and blog posts is just half the battle when it comes to creating and publishing content. It is also equally important to ensure that what you have written is ranking well on search engines, increasing the chances of your content being viewed and actioned upon.  

AI copywriting tools help with this by suggesting relevant keywords, analysing keyword density, and providing recommendations to improve the visibility and ranking of your content in search engine results pages (SERPs).  

One of the ways you can use AI tools to improve your content’s ranking is by using meta description generators. 

However, take note that while AI copywriting tools offer efficiency and assistance, they should be used as aids rather than complete replacements. You should still review and edit content generated by AI tools to ensure accuracy, coherence and personal touch.  

How to Use AI Copywriting Tools? 

As mentioned above, not all digital platforms are the same. You may need different tones and manners for different platforms, depending on the audience you are speaking to. In this section, we will explore the different ways you can use AI copywriting tools for different mediums.  

More specifically, we will cover how you can use AI copywriting tools for:  

  • Blogs 

  • Social media 

  • Video scripts 

  • Emails 

  • Ad copies 

  • Headlines 

  • Call-to-actions (CTAs) 

Using AI Copywriting Tools for Blogs 

Well-crafted blog content is essential for brand growth and industry influence as it serves as a platform for showcasing products, services or thought leadership. Engaging and informative blog content fosters audience engagement and encourages social sharing, expanding the blog’s reach. 

With that being said, how can you use AI copywriting tools for blogs? 

1. Choose the right tool 

Although there are many AI tools out there to assist with writing, not all of them are able to help with long-form copies. As blog posts are generally more text-heavy, choosing the right AI tool is important to ensure your content is detailed but not long-winded. 

Consider using tools like Hemingway Editor that help with analysing text for readability, highlighting complex sentences, and improving long-form writing to make it more appealing to the intended readers.


2. Key in the topic you want to cover 

If you already have a topic in mind, key in your topic to prompt the AI tool into writing your content. Alternatively, you can also ask the AI tool to generate topics for you if you have hit a blank.  

3. Provide details and specific prompts  

The AI tools you use are only as effective as the details you insert. By inputting many details into the tool, the better your generated content will be. For example, if you are an affiliate, you can include your broker’s promotions for trading gold. This will result in content that is specific to your broker instead of general information. Remember: the more information, the better.  

4. Review and edit  

While AI tools are efficient in generating content, do not forget to give a final read-through of the content and make edits wherever necessary. This can also help with giving your content a personal touch.  

Do you have a special intro or outro you use when making video content? You can do the same for your articles! 

Using AI Copywriting Tools for Social Media 

As social media becomes increasingly popular, marketers are constantly looking for ways to optimise their content and engage with their audience. While social media is the most common place where most internet users go for information and updates, the same copy might not be effective across all platforms. 

Here’s how to use AI copywriting tools for different social media platforms.  


Twitter requires copies to be clear and concise; otherwise, it would not fit the character limit. In general, Twitter users prefer text that is short and easy to read. Using a tool like Textio can help with optimising your tweet for engagement and clarity. You can also use internet slang or lingo and include hashtags to make your content more discoverable and relatable.  


Instagram is a visual-heavy platform. Use AI tools like Canva to create eye-catching graphics with relevant copy. As Instagram users are more drawn to images, any words on them should be short and straight to the point. Like Twitter, Instagram captions can be casual and include hashtags and emojis.  


Unlike the two platforms mentioned above, texts on Facebook can be longer. With no character limit, insert some elements of storytelling to capture your audience’s attention. Some examples of Facebook posts you can create are testimonials or personal success stories. You can also use your own photographs or images to add a personal touch.  


Telegram is a messaging app specially designed for effective communication. By using tools like BotStar, you can create chatbots to interact with your audience. Using chatbots does not mean your messages have to be impersonal, use emojis and GIFs to engage with the members of your Telegram channel. You can also utilise your Telegram channel’s polls, reactions and threads features to gather feedback and facilitate discussions. This will give you valuable insights into the kind of content or information your audience is looking for in an organised manner.  

Check out this article on Telegram bots to find out more.  


Compared to other social media platforms, LinkedIn is more of a formal platform for like-minded industry professionals to connect and network. Using tools like Monster Insight’s Headline Analyzer to create optimised headlines can grab the attention of users to your post.  

While storytelling elements can engage the audience, be mindful of the tone and manner used to avoid being too casual. Use industry-specific keywords to make your content more discoverable and avoid slang or lingo. 

Twitter Instagram Facebook Telegram Linkedin 
– Short copies

– Casual tone 

– Can use slang 

-Use hashtags 

– Use emojis 
– Short copies 

– Casual tone 

– Can use slang 

– Use hashtags 

– Use emojis 
– Long copies 

– Casual 

– Incorporate storytelling 
– Short conversation-like messages 

– Use emojis 

– Use GIFs 
– Long copies 

– Formal tone 

– Use industry-specific keywords  

You can also check out our Vantage social media platforms on  Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Telegram to learn more about different copywriting approaches for different platforms.

Using AI Copywriting Tools for Video Scripts 

When creating video scripts, adopting language that resonates with the intended audience is important. Is your video a formal tutorial? Or is it more of an emotional success story?  

Whether your video is informative, educational, persuasive, or entertaining, consider using AI tools such as Copy.ai, Writesonic, and Conversion.ai. By inserting the key points of your video, these tools can help make the process of scriptwriting faster and more efficient.  

Using AI Copywriting Tools for Emails 

Email campaigns are a great way to reach your target audience. This is because you already have an email list of people who have subscribed to you and are looking forward to your content. When using AI tools, be clear about the objective of the email campaign. Are you trying to promote a new product or service, generate leads, or drive traffic to your website?  

To make the most of your campaigns, use tools designed to optimise headlines and subject lines. Additionally, including a clear call-to-action (CTA) is essential to encourage your audience to take the desired action.  

Using AI Copywriting Tools for Ad Copy 

Creating effective ad copy can be a daunting task, but AI copywriting tools can help with generating simple and effective copies. Remember to do the necessary research such as determining your target audience and the purpose of your ad. These are key points to input into your AI tool. Don’t forget to include your brand voice and a clear call-to-action (CTA). 

Using AI Copywriting Tools for Headlines 

Headlines are the first thing that your audience will see, which is why it is so important to make them engaging and attention-grabbing. By using an AI copywriting tool like Copy.ai, you can generate headlines that resonate with your target audience and stand out from other copies.  

Use emotional and engaging language that is relatable to your target demographic. Input as much detail as possible about the product or service you are promoting to ensure a non-generic headline.

Using AI Copywriting Tools for CTAs 

A strong call-to-action (CTA) is crucial to encourage your audience to take the desired action. Choose an AI copywriting tool, such as Jasper.ai, that can generate captivating CTAs. Be sure to include the specific action you want your audience to take after reading your copy. Including the benefits for your audience can help with persuading your audience to take action.  

Example of Using AI Copywriting Tools for Forex Trading Related Content 

In this section, we will be talking about using AI copywriting tools to create forex trading-related content. 

To create forex-specific content, use copywriting tools such as SEMrush or SurferSEO to generate topics with relevant keywords. Use keywords that can help rank your content higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).  

Make the most out of your content by including the latest data and statistics for it to be more credible. After all, everyone wants to read the latest news and updates. Use actionable language like “Click here to learn more,” or “Take action today” alongside personalised language such as “you” to connect with your audience and encourage them to take action. 

With AI-powered copywriting tools, the possibilities are endless. Incorporating these tools into your marketing strategy can make the writing process faster, easier, and more efficient.  

Vantage Affiliate Program 

Now that you know about the best way to communicate with your audience on different platforms, you are equipped with the necessary knowledge to be an affiliate with Vantage. 

Join the Vantage Affiliate Program today and start earning commissions for every successful referral! As a Vantage Affiliate, you’ll have access to top-notch marketing materials, personalised support, and exclusive promotions.  

Check out Vantage Partner’s blog for more content like this. Remember to follow us on our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Telegram

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